Just a few favs for today!

 I would like to begin this post stating that I do not claim to be a professional photographer :). However, at times I do impress myself. So this photography page is dedicated to shots that I love. (Sorry if many of them include Gracie....she's just too stinking cute) All in all photography is something that I enjoy and if someone ever needed me to do it I would. Obviously on the cheap b/c I haven't earned the right of "pro" status.  I know where I stand dear photographers of the world!

One Halloween Gracie was a pumpkin, and maybe I'm biased but she made the cutest pumpkin ever!!

 Rarely to never will I use shots I have taken on instagram through my phone. This one was just a really good shot of Grace....if you know this dog it is actually really hard to get a good shot of her. It takes many shots and a lot of patience. She literally looks away from the phone/camera/etc when I point it at her. Little snot!!
 A couple of years ago I had some really pretty flowers in a planter on my front porch and I thought this was pretty cool. This is no filters/no touchup/ all original.
Matter of fact the only one filtered and edited today is the instagram shot.
And.....here's the pumpkin again. She may have just given up on the fact that she was going to be in this costume like it or not, so down she went! 

That is all for today. I just skimmed my mac for some pics. Which I realize my next big project is to go through the thousands of pics and start deleting! Goodness that was overwhelming. I guess I'm a picture hoarder!

Have a blessed day all!
