Rules Schmules
Fashion doesn't have to be tricky. Everyone has to start somewhere, so start at the beginning and get creative as you become more comfortable about developing your own sense of style.
What I want to discuss to day are fashion "rules". Watch out for them, some are true, while others are always changing.
My rule is, if you are unsure, then throw it on and see. Sometimes you cannot judge what will and will not work by what it looks like on a mannequin or on the hanger. You have to be confident with the way it looks on you! So have fun and be creative. Experiment with the ideas that you have.
Here is an example of an idea I had that now I can't wait to try out sometime:
Cute lime Cardi with tiny polka dots from Target,
Ruffle Black Ditsy floral top from Forever 21,
Old lady red skirt found at a thrift shop.
Why this works:
Both the patterns are different, yet similar in ways.
The polka dots and flowers are small.
Also the contrast in color helps the layering top
not become this clashing force.
Tying it all together that great solid color.
Looks great with the lime, and is part of
the color scheme of the top.
When I held the cardi and the top together
for the first time it didn't look like it was going to work, but
I gave it a chance and experimented with my idea .
It turned out great.
What I hope you can get out of this is to test the rules! Make them work for you, not as a boundary.
Be bold, be daring, be who you want to be.
<BUT> Please be 100% positive. You have to love it. This is not a license to do what ever you want just because. Look at your creation in the mirror and ask yourself:
1.) Do I love this?
2.) If I saw someone else wearing this in public would I want to copy
3.) Does this work with my body type/ make me look oh so fab :)
If you can say no to any of those questions, stop where your at and work a new look.
Finally, don't be afraid to model after fashionistas who's style you adore. Watch them/ follow them on facebook/twitter. Write down things you've seen that you want.
Have fun with this.....send me pictures of creations! I love seeing the ideas everyone comes up with!
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