Memoirs of a Mom
There are a ton of articles/blogs/specials that spout the different descriptions of moms. I believe that you may not always fit the same description for all of your mom-hood. At least I hope not... Yes, I will admit that I may look like I have it together on a Sunday morning. All dressed up and makeup on I can hit the stage or join in the crowd. Truth be told, Monday-Saturday I am "hot mess mom". Good ole no pants wearin, anti bra protester, and hair in a frizz bun mom. Common questions arise: Did I put on deodorant this morning? When was the last time I had a shower? What is that on my shirt? Which kid is this from? On and on. I know what you're thinking. This girl is disgusting. No no no, I'm really not all that gross.....I think. A lot of this stems from an insane 2 year old. I believe his brain really does think faster than mine! He can make five messes faster than I can clean one up. Both kids love to sync their pooping schedules to make m...